
To join, all you have to do is submit a comment telling that you are joining, then, you are automatically in. You can select a certain division to be a part of, either Infantry, Marine, or F.E.R. (First Encounter Recon).~Table of Contents:
  1. Rules
  2. Uniform
  3. Ranks
  4. Tips


1. Rules:

  • Follow orders given by superior soldiers.Infantry
    • Full name: Infantry/Ground Soldier
    • Primary Objective: Protect Mammoth and other USA North servers from attack.
    • Secondary Objective: Fight on foreign servers.
    • Uniform Difference: Scuba Tanks



    • Full Name: Sea to Land Soldier
    • Primary Objective: Fight on foreign servers.
    • Secondary Objective: Defend Mammoth and other USA North servers from attack.
    • Uniform Difference: Hiking Backpack


    F.E.R. First Encounter Recon

    • Full Name: Scouting/Reconnaissance(Recon) Soldier
    • Primary Objective: Find out information on enemies or other armies, and report them to the leaders.
    • Secondary Objectives: Defend Mammoth and USA North, and fight in foreign servers.
    • Uniform Difference: Red/Blue Backpack, or Messenger Bag

    2. Uniform


3. Ranks:

Here are the ranks, from highest to lowest.









  1. Field Marshal (1): Commands the entire Army Branch.
  2. General: Each commands a Division (made up of Brigades).
  3. Colonel: Each commands a Brigade (made up of soldiers).
  4. Major
  5. Captain
  6. Lieutenant
  7. Sergeant
  8. Corporal
  9. Private

Special Forces: Rangers

Skin Color: Green




  1. Fleet Admiral (1): Commands the entire Navy Branch.
  2. Admiral: Each commands a Fleet (made up of Ships).
  3. Rear Admiral: Each commands a Ship (made up of soldiers).
  4. Major
  5. Captain
  6. Lieutenant
  7. Sergeant
  8. Corporal
  9. Private

Special Forces: SEALs

Skin Color: Blue

Our servers are…


Our Flag is…





  1. Leader (1)
  2. 2nd in Command (1)
  3. General in Chief (1)
  4. Field Marshal
  5. Major General
  6. Staff General
  7. General
  8. Brigadier General
  9. Brigadier
  10. Colonel
  11. Field Commander
  12. Commander
  13. Field Major
  14. Major
  15. Fleet Captain
  16. Rear Captain
  17. Lieutenant
  18. Staff Sergeant
  19. Gunnery Sergeant
  20. Sergeant
  21. Corporal
  22. Private
  23. Recruit

Ok and here are the new ranks





General in Chief: Repercussion

Field Marshal(s) Ev007, Shaboomboom, Pinngmas

Major General(s) Deidara48, Pokei Friend

General(s) Blky2300

Brigadier General(s) Coleslaw2175

Brigadier(s) Percaso, Plumshake

Commander(s) Dolohav

Major(s) Emplosion, Rooty2

Fleet Captain(s) Hooper101

Lieutenant(s) Bartty299, Mesagirly1, Buzz the fuz, TT tomato

Sergeant(s) Smitt111

Corporal(s) Orion, Wolf Person, Arbiter, Andy 5823, Happy nappy 5,Germ Hug,RED HORSE CT, Arceus Hero



30 responses

2 02 2008

can i be general? this is Blky2300 editing and i say guys stop bugging us one comment and one of us will make you have a rank so stop it’s very hard to edit and we are trying as fast as we can

2 02 2008
Jcapp64 (corporal for ACP gamma brigade) (SSACP head spy)

um dude u need to add me

3 02 2008

ill be genral of Infantry

4 02 2008

Guys im getting you in the ranks calm down.

5 02 2008


5 02 2008

can i be an editor?? ill put up pics of pins and stuff. my email is devildan934@gmail.com

6 02 2008


6 02 2008

that wasnt me who said maybe but we do need a editor with pics and stuff get on chat and ill tell u shaboomboom

7 02 2008

Can I run for VP?

12 02 2008

Sorry but can someone add me to VP candidates?

13 02 2008


13 02 2008

i thought ths was my place i would sta all the time all over club penguin i guess ur not i really liked this place but iceyfeet1234 always wanted me back so this good bye i will miss you
i really will i will never forget the good times and the bad times


your friend

Repercussion known as Ice warriors Vice President

17 02 2008

hi can you add my site to your blogroll also can we be allies my site is http://www.cpdvarmy.wordpress.com

19 02 2008

hi chrisdude i have alot of military expirence so can i be in it

21 02 2008

u missed uniform and tips

23 02 2008

I want be a general please

Jcapp64 says: Well you need to work your hardest. For now join my squad

7 03 2008
pie 1111

I want to join

7 03 2008

ok i’m blky2300 what is your experience?

8 03 2008
wubby wub

I want to join the Nacho army!

8 03 2008

um dude i’m blky2300 your an idiot

9 03 2008

Umm yeah… i can see the uniform differences, but umm… what is the basic uniform? By the way, why don’t you go on british servers?

13 03 2008
me and pie

445pingu445 ask would u like too join i said offcorse he said to send a post to tell us that ur joining and ill help him with the contest

18 03 2008

oik why do people say by in comments?

5 04 2008

Can you be my ally?

7 04 2008
wolf person

can i join?if so e-mail me at wolfperson.wordpress

20 04 2008
Andy 5823

im andy5823 and im a f.e.r

24 05 2008


29 05 2008

Hey would u guys like to fight us in a war?? Comment on this site and go to the Evil Santas page. http://hey1509.wordpress.com

6 06 2008

is it in clubpenguin or the real Army

28 06 2008
eaden louise

cool site may i join

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