New CPM Website

30 06 2008

This is the NEW CPM website.

Comment on join if you wanna rank!


CPM Is Back!

22 06 2008

Alright CPM, I said that we were no longer an army anymore, I know, but I am bringing us back!

1. Ranking System

Supreme Commander (1) Chrisdude100

2nd in Command (1) Undecided

Field Marshal

Maj. General






1st Lieutenant

2nd Lieutenant

Staff Sergeant




Enlisted or Recruit (Those not ranked or just joined)



2. Weapons

Primary Weapon: M16 Grenade Launcher Attachment

Side Arm: M9 Pistol

Air Vehicles:

Black Hawk Helicopter (Assault Chopper)

Chinook Helicopter (Main Soldier Carrier)

That is it until we get more. . . 



Enemy Weapons:


Desert Eagle

I will post more!


Ogals comment

23 05 2008

blky here this is ogals comment:

oagalthorp (18:26:45) : edit

The Nachos and Golds are attempting to attack and destroy the SSACP for no valid reason. Things are looking dark, and it is unlikely that the SSACP will be able to sustain itself unassisted. I am asking you, as friends and allies, to rise up and defend our ally in its darkest hour!

If you are fighting for The Cause, read this for some tactics:

If you are helping, send this to ALL of your allies.

this is blkys reply:

Chrisdude100 (21:12:56) : edit

hey this is blky here [ fort gave me a rank] i will help this battle [i think] but that would cost the loss of cpm soldiers like plumshake [shes in golds] i will talk to chris about this [its cool to have ogal comment of this site

a game

21 05 2008

<div><embed type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” quality=”high” src=”” width=”440″ height=”420″ allowScriptAccess=”never” allowFullScreen=”true” flashvars=”gameId=8WYF40oZEJSO” name=”flashContainer945662695″></embed><div style=”width:440px; text-align: left;”><a href=””><strong>Make a game</strong></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=””>Share</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=”” title=”Free games” >Free games</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=”” rel=”tag”>Pictogame</a></div></div>

thank you blky2300 [ who made this post]                             blky2300

a game for cpm [ training for fast mouse clicking]

21 05 2008

yo blky2300 here heres some training for fast mouse useing

join blabf

17 05 2008

hi im blky here cpabf     [the sites on chris;s blogs dashboard]           has been shut down     but blabf is the army now              you can be really high so join


11 05 2008

Hello, this is Chrisdude100

Please vote for me in the ACP Blizzard Election.

Blizzard (FULL)




-Pengu 1



Blizzard was my home server and I have something to say about all the canidates.

Dialga80 – He is leader of the WW and the biggest cheater in CP. He is a non-member and could’nt even get into Blizzard so yeah, and he is a cheater because he is gonna force the whole WW to vote for him.


Cheats For Club Penguin

10 05 2008

Hi all, This is rep and the new pin is at the coffee shop click on it and it will full down and you can claim in. Also theres gonna be a new Party! I hope its gonna be cool i bet everyone hopes its gonna be cool.



Invasion in Al Kharid

7 05 2008

Ok first, I am so sorry I wasn’t posting. Ok and second, I decided to have a little invasion in RUNESCAPE.

The invasion will be in Al Kharid, The Runescape Middle East.

This is a declaration of war, because, The Al Kharid people, attack people for no reason, so I thought, a good war should clean Al Kharid.

Note: If you do now have a Runescape account, we will hold off the invasion until you get strong enough, to fight them. If you DO have a Runescape account, go to Al Kharid and attack them.



7 05 2008

i havent been here to make posts im really sorry ill be making more posts
