alliance with nachos and other

27 04 2008

by Blky2300 im thinking about making peace with nachos they could help defeat are enemys and we are might start practice battles again after what rep said:be there at fights.also id like to say that i want everyone to go on chats and egt more cpm solgers.If we are at  war with uma well need it and since we had three uma leaders quit or was that two and on co leader quit and many solgers quit we are in a good spot.

more people

26 04 2008

blky2300 here and i think we should get some people to join but how?

heres how get people from chat who ask how to join acp [on acp chat] geus what thats how i got pingu or as you know him pingmass and try to get in uniform alot


stop doin so many posts

Repercussion:Have you done 3 posts in a day

new chapter

26 04 2008

i Blky2300 am making a new chapter about the elite war here it is:THE ELITE WAR      this started in april 2008 the elite started attacking everyone the cpm started to get more troops and started fighting the elite the elite was powerless

im back! and elite

26 04 2008

yo im back im Blky2300 a bit ago i was fired as admiral of the site bt thanks to chris…anyway the elite has been attacking like crazy but they are dumb we must defeat them but how ?their leader 77nija77 is coo coo but i think they won the battle acp has never lost before i think we can get them though

Rockhopper’s Arrival Party, More Elites

26 04 2008

Well, today Rockhopper is back for more 6 year olds, so let me just show you this.

The new pin is here ^^^

This is the only item they got this year, yet I already have it.

There was a new sports catalog too.

it is Baseball, my favorite sport.

The jerseys are expencive.


Ok and the Elite Problem we have. The ACP and even RPF and the Nachos are getting involved with this threat. The Elite Leader is 77 Ninja 77. ACP is almost about to declare war, so this might even be a World War. Don’t worry, we will get in the action!

All CPM Forces, you are to get on chat everyday, and get on Mammoth and clear any hostiles in sight.

ACP, RPF, and Nachos are allies, don’t fire at them!

I am an Admiral in RPF and a Commandore/Commander in ACP, so you might see me in both uniforms, don’t get worried, I didn’t betray you, I am in those armies and I have military service there as well as here.

Remember, i am strict on this,



Until Later,

March On!

Huge Post, Ranks, Rockhopper, Elite War

24 04 2008

Ok guys thanks for bugging me enough to make this post, thank Repercussion!


  1. Ranks

As you know we came out with a new ranking system, so I will show you once more.

CPM Ranking System

  1. Leader (1)
  2. 2nd in Command (1)
  3. General in Chief (1)
  4. Field Marshal
  5. Major General
  6. Staff General
  7. General
  8. Brigadier General
  9. Brigadier
  10. Colonel
  11. Field Commander
  12. Commander
  13. Field Major
  14. Major
  15. Fleet Captain
  16. Rear Captain
  17. Lieutenant
  18. Staff Sergeant
  19. Gunnery Sergeant
  20. Sergeant
  21. Corporal
  22. Private
  23. Recruit

Ok and here are the new ranks





General in Chief: Repercussion

Field Marshal(s) Ev007, Shaboomboom, Pinngmas

Major General(s) Deidara48, Pokei Friend

General(s) Blky2300

Brigadier General(s) Coleslaw2175

Brigadier(s) Percaso, Plumshake

Commander(s) Dolohav

Major(s) Emplosion, Rooty2

Fleet Captain(s) Hooper101

Lieutenant(s) Bartty299, Mesagirly1, Buzz the fuz, TT tomato

Sergeant(s) Smitt111

Corporal(s) Orion, Wolf Person, Arbiter, Andy 5823, Happy nappy 5

Ok those are all the ranks, if I didn’t give you one comment, and I will give you one ASAP.

           2. New Paper/ Rockhopper’s return

If you’re looking for the Mission 7 Guide, GO HERE.

Rockhopper’s landed before his party started! Yay! He brought Free Sailer Shirts for us. Finally! A shirt free item! You can get it at the Beach.

The Captain’s Quarters will be released on Monday, the 28th. RH will be hiding the key somewhere on the island. (Click to enlarge)

Also, there was a public announcement from the PSA in the newspaper saying that the Snow Forts Clock is now fixed. There’s also RH Recap Journal basically telling what RH did on his trip to Rockhopper Island. (Click to enlarge)

The RH Arrival Party, new Sports Catalog, and pin will arrive tomorrow. And there will be a Writing Contest from May 1st to May 8th.

I have a Rockhopper finding guide.

First, you gotta check if he’s online or not. Type in his username in the log in screen and type in a random password (at least five digits long). It will say he’s banned if he’s offline. It will say ‘Incorrect password’ if he’s online. If he’s offline, stop and try again later.

Alright, finding Rockhopper. That’s something just about every penguin out there wants to do (If they haven’t found him already). You can talk to him and you can get a free background!

For one thing, Rockhopper is Club Penguin’s account, he can be a bot or a real person (depending on the time of day). So that means he can be on any server, in any place he wants to be. However, sometimes he likes to go on these servers a lot (that doesn’t mean you can’t find him in other servers): Mammoth, Frozen, Mittens, Rocky Road, and any highly populated Servers (the ones on the left column of the first page of the U.S. servers list, for example). But nowadays, he can be on any server!

Now, finding him is kinda tough, but it can be done. Two helpful factors are: that he’s slightly larger than the average penguin (he’s bigger, thus easier to spot if you’re in the same room as him). And there’s always a flood of penguins around him (they’re usually all red). And one surefire way of knowing he’s in a room is that you can’t get into the room because its full and there’s hundreds of penguins clobbering to get into the room. Also, he moves around the rooms in Club Penguin every so often if he’s on the Server. For example, he might appear in the Ship Hold, then move to the Beach, then the Town, then the Iceberg, etc. But sometimes he stays for a very short (or long) time in one or two rooms and switches servers.


And he’s most likely to be in the Dock, the Beach, the Iceberg, the Pizza Parlor, the Plaza, and (this is the one he’s most on) his ship, The Migrator (Update: RH’s ship sank. Scratch that. ~Watex). Basically, rooms that have a large penguin capacity, unlike the Mountain Top which can only hold around 20+ penguins before its full.

As for times he’s on, he’s most usually on during peak hours (times when everyone’s on), or he can also be on during random times of the day and night when there’s a moderate amount of people or no people at all.

Methods of finding him

First, you gotta check if he’s online or not. Type in his username in the log in screen and type in a random password (at least five digits long). It will say he’s banned if he’s offline. It will say ‘Incorrect password’ if he’s online. If he’s offline, stop and try again later.

Here is a pretty good method: Once you find out he’s on, Get onto my Bribble chatbox. Sometimes the people on there will help you. Check the servers I mentioned above. Then check servers that have more dots than they usually have. For example, you see Snow Globe or Tundra has 1 or 2 more dots than the servers around them. GO THERE! And for every server, check the places I mentioned (Beach, Dock, etc.). I suggest staying at a crowded place for a bit if someone might shout where RH is.

Here is the method I use the most: I do the same thing as above, but I don’t go onto my chatbox. Instead, I rapidly skim through all the major servers I mentioned earlier, then any unusually populated servers, then servers with names relating to Rockhopper or a mission (Rocky Road, Polar Bear…), then servers at the top or bottom of the page. I usually find him by the time I search unusually populated servers. Sometimes, a person shouts out where he is. I skim through all the places I mentioned, especially the Dock and Beach. I’ve actually found him a lot of times on Tundra server. He even came to my Birthday bash! (I posted the pictures a while ago) And if I still can’t find him, I go to Bribble for help.

One very tedious and dull way to find him is to check if he’s on, and then check all the servers I mentioned in all the places I mentioned. Then start checking servers with three dots or more (it doesn’t have to be only U.S. Servers, check all nations). And if you still don’t find him check all the other servers with two or less dots and the places on those. And if you still don’t find him, He probably logged off while you were checking. And on top of that, this might not work because he can change servers any time he wants to (but he usually changes every 10-25 minutes so don’t worry).

A somewhat effective way is to check servers that are not usually filled up but are oddly full or close to full for some reason, and go look on there. I’ve actually gotten this to work before.

Another way is going on the most popular servers in the most popular places and just wait for news of him. It could take a few minutes or a few hours (ugh, you should try another method if it takes that long), but someone just might shout “RH is on Mittens!” or “He’s on Mammoth!” or “Rockhopper’s on Tundra! WOOT!”. If they do, FIRST check to make sure Rockhopper’s not on the server you’re are right now. If you are, don’t log out, they’re probably trying to trick you, Rockhopper might just be in that server on the Ship Hold. Try double checking to make sure he’s not in any of the rooms on that Server, then rush on to that server before it fills up and rush to the ship hold (he’s most likely here) before that fills up as well. This has worked a few times for me. And sometimes he appears first on the Iceberg so check there.

Update: I suggest using’s Club Penguin because you don’t get taken to the home page everytime you log off. Also, RH used to give the eye patch, but now, he only gives the free background.

Once you find him


Once you find him, its awesome! There’s about two dozen penguins there asking him questions and HE ANSWERS THEM (with a pirate accent). Also, you get a free Rockhopper autographed background if you try buddying him (You can’t buddy him….but you can put him on your ignore list if you want), you can go to his “home” (The Migrator is his home. Update: DON’T CLICK FOR HIS SHIP. Since the Migrator sunk, you won’t go there, you will just lose connection ~Chrisdude100), and you can send him postcards and I hear he sometimes sends one back! And you can follow him around when he walks around Club Penguin.

              3. the Elite War

Ok soldiers lets show Elite how we fight. They look like this…)

I want you guys to crush them, and I will be aiding you in battles, don’t worry, I will lead you, but if I can’t either the General in Chief will or a Field Marshal, or even a General.


My fingers hurt,

March On!

New Allies/ Elite War

23 04 2008

We currently have allied with a big army, like us. The Dark Warriors have agreed to be our allies! We are currently also going to war with Elite. I have declared war against them for taking Mammoth and they accepted. The Dark Warriors should aid us. All CPM Forces should go to Mammoth Dojo, almost daily.

CPM Recon should take action by watching Mammoth and calling in CPM Marines for back-up. All CPM Forces should be on chat DAILY!!!

This war will be recorded as the Elite War.

Our allies are

  • VACP
  • Dark Warriors
  • AORP
  • TWW
  • And many more!

New ranks will be on FRIDAY!


Until Later,

March On!

New Ranking System

22 04 2008

CPM Ranking System

  1. Leader (1)
  2. 2nd in Command (1)
  3. General in Chief (1)
  4. Field Marshal
  5. Major General
  6. Staff General
  7. General
  8. Brigadier General
  9. Brigadier
  10. Colonel
  11. Field Commander
  12. Commander
  13. Field Major
  14. Major
  15. Fleet Captain
  16. Rear Captain
  17. Lieutenant
  18. Staff Sergeant
  19. Gunnery Sergeant
  20. Sergeant
  21. Corporal
  22. Private
  23. Recruit


  1.  Army
  2. Corps
  3. Division
  4. Brigade
  5. Regiment
  6. Battalion
  7. Company
  8. Platoon
  9. Squad

2 Divisions for now

Marines (CPMMC) Club Penguin Military Marine Corps

Recon (CPMR) Club Penguin Military Recon

Now another division we will make in the National Guard (made up of 10 soldiers of CPM)

NOTICE >>>>>>>>

We might go to war with Elite, SO BE READY!!!


Until Later,

March On!

The International Scene: The War on Terrorism

21 04 2008

Hello, its Chrisdude100, and I just wanted to give you guys backround info on the War on Terrorism, our current war.

As you know British and U.S. troops are working together to kill any terrorists. The United States has their soldiers in the small Middle East country of Iraq, and the British armed forces are in a country, close to Russia, called Afganistan. Most British troops are aided by Russians called “The Loyalists.”

The United States current president, George W. Bush, has no idea what it is like in Iraq. Over 4,000 American lives have been killed in the last 2 years. I have heard many British think its a joke, but it is not. The U.S. one of the most powerful nations in the world, along with Great Britain, and Russia. The British are  one of the United State’s best allies, along with Russia, after the Cold War.

United States Troops are winning their current war, along with Great Britain. Iraq and Afganistan are 2 of the most bloody countries in the world, who have no use for democracy.

How this war started was right after the September 11th attack on the United States. If you didn’t know what that was, it was an attack planned out by terrorists from Iraq and Afganistan, teaming up to destory the United States and all it stood for. They used 4 airline planes and crashed them into 3 places.

  • The World Trade Center, New York City
  • The Pentegon, U.S. Military base, Washington D.C.
  • Outside Pittsburgh, Pensylvania

And if any of you think its funny, trust me, think one minute, what if it happend in the United Kingdom?

I luckly have a picture, and thing of this in the U.K.

I have talked with British and they think its funny.

We are allies, United States and Great Britain.

Many U.S. and British troops have started more divisions like…

United States Divisions

U.S.M.C. (United States Marine Corps)



Air Force

U.S.M.R. (United States Marine Recon)



British Divisions


S.A.S (British Spec Ops)


Air Force




I know its hard to live with this war, but soon it will be over. In 2 years it will be over, I know it.

– Chrisdude100

Until Later,

March On!


17 04 2008

Let us, for this one minute, take our military caps off to a guy who put the CP in CPM. I raise my hat in thanks to this guy who has fought and served as a good Military Field Marshal. He was there, when I wasn’t. But his flame is not lit anymore in the glorious army of the Club Penguin Military. I honor this guy with all my thanks, to be there at hard times. The Allied War, The UMA War, yes, he was there. CPM did its role and so did Repercussion. Rough times together, but grew to get along, Repercussion was there. And to Honor Repercussion, this soldier, he was like a brother, to ME. I am making a Repercussion Page on this site, to honor him, and we will throw a party.

We salute to YOU Repercussion! *satute*


For Repercussion,

March On!