
8 04 2008

This is a new Branch in our Army.



  1. Field Marshal (1): Commands the entire Army Branch.
  2. General: Each commands a Division (made up of Brigades).
  3. Colonel: Each commands a Brigade (made up of soldiers).
  4. Major
  5. Captain
  6. Lieutenant
  7. Sergeant
  8. Corporal
  9. Private

Special Forces: Rangers

Skin Color: Green




  1. Fleet Admiral (1): Commands the entire Navy Branch.
  2. Admiral: Each commands a Fleet (made up of Ships).
  3. Rear Admiral: Each commands a Ship (made up of soldiers).
  4. Major
  5. Captain
  6. Lieutenant
  7. Sergeant
  8. Corporal
  9. Private

Special Forces: SEALs

Skin Color: Blue






  1. Field Marshal (1): Commands the entire Marine Branch.
  2. General: Each commands a Division (made up of Brigades).
  3. Colonel: Each commands a Brigade (made up of soldiers).
  4. Major
  5. Captain
  6. Lieutenant
  7. Sergeant
  8. Corporal
  9. Private

Special Forces: Marine Force Recon

Skin Color: Black

Here is a picture of the Marine Uniform.

What the marines will do is trap down any army leaders, Also, keep in your mind a Marine is a sea and land soldier.

I also have some good advirtisments (I don’t think I spelt that right)


I will get more as time passes!


I will let you choose of what army branch you want to be in. Just comment this post and i’ll get all the ranks done and who is in what branch.


Until Later,

March On!

Comments welcome! >>>>>




2 responses

8 04 2008

i call marines if i have to choose a division

9 04 2008

me too i want marines

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