New Uniforms!

7 04 2008

I have new uniforms and you guys can vote if you guys want it.

This is the Combat uniform, and you will most likely be wearing this is your military service.

This is the Navy/Water Combat uniform, we will use this if we storm a beach or if we are plunched into water combat.

This is the Marines uniform, we will use this when we storm into an area, or water, Sea/Land Soldier

This is the non member uniform.

This is the Promotion Day uniform.

Ok that is all the uniforms, and please get people to join.


Until Later,

March On!



3 responses

7 04 2008

I agree but I think there’s a little too many uniforms. I think there should be…
1) Defending Uniform (if any army is trying to invade our territory)
2) Invasion Uniform (if we take land or just invade other army’s territory)
3) Non-member uniform

7 04 2008

Also can you post the rankings

7 04 2008

rank day is on april 30th and i’ll think about the uniforms.

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